Episode 33: A bit about justice
In our weekly reader we had an article about Peace & Justice.
which you can find here: Reader by Ted Lewis.
He reflects on some very important ideas relating to these issues.
I'd like to express some, perhaps, different views on this, attempting to express
what I feel is going on with justice.
If you view a human being as a receptor, activator, then you must admit there is
a second system which evaluates responses. A governor you could say.
Likewise, in society we have something like that going on. If that system is
not functioning, as you could say, "in a good way", interpreting reliable information,
and properly evaluating responses, you obviously have serious problems.
If it is not functioning correctly, it requires repair. In ourselves this system requires
continuous repair. To a large extent what we call " healing ", is exactly that process.
How we do this as a community or as community is a much more difficult issue.
>>> I am not going to go there , but certainly as a suggestion,
suggested to me many years ago you might find this helpful:
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