Episode 41: Archangel Bill
I can certainly understand that many
may criticize the introduction of a new character
this late in the narrative.. Others may just
complain that I'm trying too hard to be humorous
during the month of April. Logically, however,
it follows from the last post.
Who knows, what, anyway?
Eighth archangel Bill ...
Although religion is not uniform
as far as archangels go, some have
more, some less, but often 7.
There are a few who say there
was an 8th archangel Bill
or William. Often referred to
as the handy man of God, Bill
got very little publicity, almost
no credits. His primary tasks
included maintenance of both
heaven and earth, tool inventory,
some accounting and odd jobs.
Now, there are some people who say that
very likely there was no 8th
archangel because what exactly would
God use a handy man for? More than
that there does not appear to
be any reference to Bill in standard
religious texts. However, if you ever
stop to think about the accounting that
might go on visa vi the celestial realms,
then you might have your answer.
But more than that, what do some people know ?
Let's face it ... there may be more going on in the heavens
and the earth than --- some people --- are willing to admit.
So I will just say this,,,
if you look hard enough you will
find those who do believe in the
8th archangel and even those who
will sing his praises.
So, just look around...
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