
Showing posts from April, 2021

Episode 43( really ?? )People of Good Will

 Okay, people of good ( pretty good, not bad ) will. It could be great even ... This is a reference to previous post about space-time, and space time being a reflection of a will of a whole other sort. I think Bill might concur ...

Episode 42 ( ..2?) - Space - Time - Conjecture

Darn that space-time, anyway ...  Speaking in a sort of anonymous way if that is possible, I have made one conjecture that observable fields are finite in number.  Really hard I think to prove. My new conjecture is related to recent mu-on discoveries. But basically my conjecture is we have entered or are entering a " new ", or at least for this planet a " new " region of space and time, that we have not previously been in. Also hard to prove, but I should point out, by saying we are always entering " new " regions of space-time, but I mean in a significantly different way in that it may alter some of our " preconceived " notions of what is " real " and what is not ....  Possibly, probably , not funny .... Speaking in a more factual manner, if you add cayenne first before other spice to espresso ... it's better, IMHO,,, Life is always changing ? Tried to contact Bill on this one, but --- no comment ---

Episode 41: Archangel Bill

 I can certainly understand that many  may criticize the introduction of a new character this late in the narrative.. Others may just complain that I'm trying too hard to be humorous during the month of April. Logically, however, it follows from the last post.   Who knows, what, anyway?   Eighth archangel Bill   ... Although religion is not uniform as far as archangels go, some have more, some less, but often 7. There are a few who say there was an 8th archangel Bill or William.  Often referred to as the handy man of God, Bill got very little publicity, almost no credits.  His primary tasks included maintenance of both heaven and earth, tool inventory, some accounting and odd jobs. Now, there are some people who say that very likely there was no 8th archangel because what exactly would God use a handy man for? More than  that there does not appear to be any reference to Bill in standard religious texts.  However, if you ever stop to thin...

Episode 40: Tow Trucks, in Space ????

It's hard to believe that there might be tow trucks in space ... but then again, I am quite sure Douglas Adams my have already come up with that .... Well, it turns out that if you pay attention to Dr. Who, then you might know that the Dr. actually drives a tow truck, which is also a time machine.  Now isn't that nice? So you might, obviously,  some one already did , imagine that.  Delia Mode